A dental implant is a treatment of replacing damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones.
A dental implant is an extensive field since it can offer an alternative to dentures or bridgework that doesn’t fit well and can replace tooth roots with titanium roots, screwlike posts.


● First stage

The procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia. After removing the damaged tooth parts, and preparing jawbones and sometimes bone grafting as needed, the dentist will place the metal root deep inside the jawbone, and a temporary tooth will be replaced on this titanium root to fill the gap until the second session.

● Second stage

After about over than three months, as the jawbone heals and grows around the implant fused with it, and holds in its place, the dentist will reveal the implant and place a small structure called the abutment acting as a connector to the artificial teeth. After placing the abutment, the gums need about two weeks to heal around it.

● Third stage

After taking an impression by the dentist in order to send the model to the dental laboratory where the replacement teeth are manufactured to create a suitable appearance that matches your mouth and looks, the dentist sets an appointment to install the replacement teeth. The session takes a short time to get great teeth that last for over 15 years.

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The patient must follow the dentist’s instructions and abide by them in order for the operation to succeed and to obtain the desired results.


of After the implant is placed, slight bleeding is normal and much less compared to the extraction of the tooth.


Stitches are usually dissolvable and fall off on their own between a week and 10 days.

oral hygiene

In general, when the new implants and surrounding gum are healed and the replacement teeth are fixed, they must be cared for in the same way as regular teeth. A day after the
operation, it is recommended to start rinsing with warm water and salt (a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water) for quick recovery and to prevent the risk of infection.


After surgery, and on the same day, it is recommended to have only cold drinks and avoid hot drinks. However, although eating meals can be very difficult in the first few days, try to eat in order to heal faster and have more energy. After the effect of the anesthetic wears off, it is preferable to start with soft foods such as liquids, mashed potatoes or pasta, and scrambled eggs. Avoid anything that might get stuck in your teeth, such as nuts, rice, popcorn, or similar foods. After ten days, the usual diet can be resumed, and it is preferable to avoid chewing directly on the implant sites.


fter surgery, it is recommended to avoid smoking for at least 3 days to reduce the risk of infection and delayed recovery.

Physicals Activity

Avoid strenuous exercise during the first hours after surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding.


Recovery time varies from one patient to another, but in general, the cure period is usually from six weeks to six months. Especially, since in most cases the dentist waits for the gums to heal and the implant fuses with the jawbone before installing the replacement teeth.


Dental implants are considered one of the safest procedures in the world of surgery, as they give you self-confidence by gaining a perfect and bright smile, but like any surgery, dental implants are not without risks and negative effects.

Implant Failure

This happens when the implants do not fuse with the bones to support them and do not fuse with the jawbones. Giving antibiotics before the procedure reduces this risk.


During this procedure, some anatomical areas, such as the nerves, gums, roof, and base of the mouth, and the maxillary sinus cavity, might get injured Which leads to pain.


Like any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection, such as abscesses, inflammation, and suppuration of the wound.

Bone Loss

This leads to the instability of the replacement teeth, and in such a case, it is recommended to go to the dentist directly.

Implant Breakage

It is possible for a dental implant screw to break, which requires direct replacement.


  • Sinus issues if the sinus cavity gets punctured during the procedure.
  • Bleeding and failure to heal.
  • Nerve damage in the surrounding tissues leads to numbness and pain.
  • Tissue death around the dental implant.
  • Gum recession around the dental implant.

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