Chin Augmentation in turkey 

Chin Augmentation in turkey

what is Chin Augmentation in turkey?

Chin Augmentation surgery, is a procedure that enlarges the appearance of a weak chin and creates a better balance among the facial features by using either an implant or the patient’s own jaw bone.

Chin Augmentation surgery


Initially, the surgeon will perform a medical examination to ensure that you are healthy, and then he will ask you to stop smoking well before the surgery.

 Avoid taking aspirin and some anti-inflammatory drugs because they may increase bleeding.


The surgeon will make different small incisions depending on the technique used

 Some plastic surgeons work through an incision inside the mouth, whereas other plastic surgeons perform the operation through an incision under your chin.


The patient should follow the doctor’s instructions carefully, especially oral care.

In the first week, Swelling and bruising are normal.

Recovery after chin augmentation takes about a week, as after this period the patient can return to the daily routine.

Who is a good candidate for Chin surgery? 

  • healthy
  • non-smoker
  • Annoyed by the look of your chin
  • You have a chin that is too short or lack projection

What are the risks of Chin surgery?

  1. Chin implant displacement
  2. Anesthesia risks
  3. Asymmetry
  4. Bleeding
  5. Hematoma
  6. Infection
  7. Lumpiness

Chin Augmentation cost

The prices of chin augmentation differ from one patient to another, as the technique

used and the areas to be suctioned play a big role in the price, and the prices of surgery

may vary if combined with other surgeries.

Chin augmentation before and after


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How long does Chin Augmentation last?

It is expected to last for life,The chin implant is permanently set into place and will not shift or change position.

Is Chin Augmentation painful?

The operation is done under anesthesia, the pain after the operation is likely to last up to a week, this is normal

How much do jaw implants cost?

The prices of  Jaw implants differ from one patient to another, as the technique

used and the areas to be suctioned play a big role in the price, and the prices of surgery

may vary if combined with other surgeries.

Does Chin Augmentation get rid of double chin?

A chin implant is not the only surgery that can resolve a double chin, but it is one important technique that can be used in many cases.