زراعة اللحية

Beard Transplant

There are many reasons for hair loss, otherwise,  there are many methods to prevent hair loss such as hereditary male or female pattern baldness, hormonal changes, some diseases, some medical drugs, physical or emotional shock.

Beard Transplant

There are many reasons for hair loss, otherwise,  there are many methods to prevent hair loss such as hereditary male or female pattern baldness, hormonal changes, some diseases, some medical drugs, physical or emotional shock.

what is a beard transplant 

Hair is taken from one part of the body and implanted in the jawline, wherever you want to grow your beard. It is rather simple, but it is a complicated process.

what is a beard transplant 

Hair is taken from one part of the body and implanted in the jawline, wherever you want to grow your beard. It is rather simple, but it is a complicated process.

beard transplant Techniques

FUE Technique

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a type of hair transplant done by extracting the healthy and more durable hair follicles from the scalp parts where they grow and moving them to another part where the hair’s thinner or absent. The surgeon implants these follicles into previously opening channels or incisions in the scalp. This technique results in no visible scarring when both extracting and transplanting.

DHI Technique

The DHI method differs from the FUE Technique It can be done without shaving the skull, only the donor area will be trimmed for the extraction process . by the use of the Micro Motor Tool and secondly Implantation, with the Choi pens used to implant each graft directly without prior creation of canolas to control the angle of the direction of each graft. Choi pens are more accurate they come in various sizes for a more natural look. Hair density is calculated by counting the hair growing in each centimetre square on the scalp. This technique also promotes faster healing times, which is minimal in comparison to any other technique.

How is the beard and moustache transplant operation done?


The doctor examines the patient to determine if he is suitable for the operation.

The doctor needs to see the natural growth of your beard so you should not shave before the examination.

Following your doctor’s instructions carefully will get you the best results.


The surgical procedure for beard transplantation is similar to the surgical procedure for hair transplantation in terms of the techniques used.

The specialist surgeon determines the appropriate method.


The patient’s meticulous and careful following of the surgeon’s instructions gives him the opportunity to achieve the desired result of beard transplantation.

Before and after beard transplant

beard transplant
beard transplant
beard transplant

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اسئلة واجوبة

ما هي تكلفة زراعة اللحية؟

تختلف الأسعار من مريض لآخر حيث يعتمد السعر على التقنية المستخدمة في زراعة الشعر وعدد البصيلات وخبرة الطبيب

هل زراعة اللحية دائمة؟

نعم. بمجرد اكتمال زراعة الشعر وبدء النمو ، يصبح الشعر دائمًا.

هل زراعة اللحية فكرة جيدة؟

إذا كان لديك شعر صحي في فروة الرأس ، فمن الممكن زراعة اللحية ، حيث ستبرز ملامح الوجه وتحسن ثقة الشخص

هل تؤلم زراعة اللحية؟

لا ، سوف تكون تحت تأثير التخدير الموضعي. بعد العملية سوف تعانين من حكة في فروة الرأس في الأسبوع الأول ، وهذا طبيعي بعد ذلك ، وسوف يتلاشى تدريجياً.