Hair Transplant in Turkey

Hair transplantation in Turkey improves your overall appearance, you can do Hair transplant hair if you suffer from hair loss or low hair density

Hair Transplant in Turkey

Hair transplantation in Turkey improves your overall appearance, you can do Hair transplant hair if you suffer from hair loss or low hair density

Hair Transplant Techniques

FUE Technique

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a type of hair transplant done by extracting the healthy and more durable hair follicles from the scalp parts where they grow and moving them to another part where the hair’s thinner or absent.

The surgeon implants these follicles into previously opening channels or incisions in the scalp. This technique results in no visible scarring when both extracting and transplanting.

DHI Technique

The DHI method differs from the FUE Technique It can be done without shaving the skull, only the donor area will be trimmed for the extraction process . by the use of Micro Motor Tool and secondly  Implantation, with the Choi pens used to implant each graft directly without prior creation of canolas to control the angle of the direction of each graft.

 Choi pens are more accurate they come in various sizes for a more natural look. Hair density is calculated by counting the hair growing in each centimeter square on the scalp.

This technique also promotes faster healing times, which is minimal in comparison to any other technique.

FUE / S Technique

This technique is similar to FUE but differs in the blade used in the procedure. Sapphire FUE tool uses blades made of sapphire, which is a durable, valuable gemstone. V-shaped pin offers more intricacy over the regular U-shaped pin of steel blades to make incisions for the hair transplant procedure.

However, Sapphire operation is a more suitable technique for dense transplantation because the sapphire blades are small and thin, and the grafts have less contact with the external part. At the same time, the healing process is much shorter in applications with sapphire FUE hair transplants.

Hair Transplant Techniques

FUE Technique

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a type of hair transplant done by extracting the healthy and more durable hair follicles from the scalp parts where they grow and moving them to another part where the hair’s thinner or absent.

The surgeon implants these follicles into previously opening channels or incisions in the scalp. This technique results in no visible scarring when both extracting and transplanting.

DHI Technique

The DHI method differs from the FUE Technique It can be done without shaving the skull, only the donor area will be trimmed for the extraction process . by the use of Micro Motor Tool and secondly  Implantation, with the Choi pens used to implant each graft directly without prior creation of canolas to control the angle of the direction of each graft.

 Choi pens are more accurate they come in various sizes for a more natural look. Hair density is calculated by counting the hair growing in each centimeter square on the scalp.

This technique also promotes faster healing times, which is minimal in comparison to any other technique.

FUE / S Technique

This technique is similar to FUE but differs in the blade used in the procedure. Sapphire FUE tool uses blades made of sapphire, which is a durable, valuable gemstone. V-shaped pin offers more intricacy over the regular U-shaped pin of steel blades to make incisions for the hair transplant procedure.

However, Sapphire operation is a more suitable technique for dense transplantation because the sapphire blades are small and thin, and the grafts have less contact with the external part. At the same time, the healing process is much shorter in applications with sapphire FUE hair transplants.

Who is a good candidate for a Hair Transplant 

Men who have been losing their hair due to male pattern baldness for more than five years or who have progressed to class 3 or above on the Norwood Scale.

How do I prepare for a hair transplant?

The patient’s hair will be completely shaved, and sometimes the operation can be performed without shaving, then the scalp is washed with a sterile solution, and the scalp is injected with a local anesthetic.

How long does a hair transplant last?

Hair transplantation usually takes between 3 to 6 hours, between which there is a rest for the patient, and it may require more than one session to cover the area required for hair

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Is it safe to get your hair transplant in Turkey?

Turkey attracts many patients around the world due to the reputation of the doctors and their high experience, as Turkey has a developed health system, medical cities and over currency is what makes it the focus of the attention of many patients

Why is hair transplant cheaper in Turkey?

In 2022, more than a million tourists came to Turkey, 600,000 of whom came for medical tourism, and that is because of the competitive prices compared to other countries such as the UK and the United States, where Turkey has a high interest in medical tourism.

How is the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey determined?

First, it depends on the technique used in hair transplantation, secondly, the follicles that the patient has and the health condition, and thirdly, the experience of the doctor performing the hair transplant operation

How many grafts are needed for a full head?

In general, it requires 4000-6000 grafts to cover the entire head with hair

Do hair transplants leave scars?

There are several types of advanced techniques used in hair transplantation, however scarring is still a possible byproduct of the procedure, and each type produces a different type of scar.

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