What is Thigh Lift Surgery?

A thigh lift is a procedure that involves the removal of excess skin and fat from either the inner or outer thighs.

In general, ageing, massive weight loss, and difficulty fitting into clothing due to heavy thighs are the common reasons why you should consider a thigh lift.

Thigh Lift procedures


Before the operation, the doctor conducts tests for the patient to ensure that the patient is suitable for the operation.

The surgeon will provide instructions and answer all your questions.


The surgeon will first remove the excess fat if the patient has excess fat in the thighs.

Then sagging skin areas are identified and incisions are made to remove excess skin.

Finally, both sides of the skin are sutured and closed to complete the surgery.


The recovery period takes about two or three weeks, and the results are instantaneous.

A significant change is noted in the circumference of the legs.

The final results appear after the tumor has completely decreased.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Thigh Lift Surgery?

  • BMI of more than 30%
  • healthy
  • non-smoker
  • Excess fatty tissue in the inner, medial, or lateral thigh area

How do I choose a plastic surgeon for thigh lift surgery?

Make sure that the surgeon has experience of at least 6 years after medical school and

that he graduated from an accredited medical college We at Estherian Clinic recommend DR. CENGIZHAN EKIZCELI, the doctor who graduated from Istanbul University, Department of Medicine, specializing in plastic and reconstructive surgery and has more than 10 years of experience.

risks of thigh lift surgery

  1. Anaesthesia risks
  2. bruising
  3. fluid buildup
  4. infection
  5. swelling
  6. poor wound healing
  7. Skin sensitivity

thigh lift recovery time

You will be given specific instructions that may include:

  • How to care for the surgical site(s)
  • Medicines that you will take orally
  • Specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in your general health
  • When to follow up with your plastic surgeon

How much does thigh lift surgery cost?

The prices of thigh lift differ from one patient to another, as the technique

used and the areas to be suctioned play a big role in the price, and the prices of surgery may vary if combined with other surgeries.


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Wie lange dauert eine Operation zur Oberschenkelstraffung?

Die Oberschenkelstraffung wird unter Vollnarkose durchgeführt, und die Operation dauert etwa 2-3 Stunden.

Wie lange dauert die Wiederherstellung der Oberschenkelstraffung?

Die Genesung dauert zwischen 3 und 6 Wochen, danach können Sie Ihr normales Leben wieder aufnehmen, müssen aber die Anweisungen des Chirurgen befolgen.

Wie schmerzhaft ist eine Operation zur Oberschenkelstraffung?

In der ersten Woche werden Sie Schmerzen haben, die dann allmählich verschwinden. Der Chirurg wird Ihnen Schmerzmittel geben, um die Schmerzen zu lindern.

Wie bereitet man sich auf eine Oberschenkelstraffung vor?

  • Do some tests like a blood test or a medical evaluation
  • stop smoking
  • Stop taking any anti-inflammatories or anti-inflammatories containing aspirin